Outer Shores Photo Tour 2014: Pacific Rim National Park

Day 3: A full day!

The Passing Cloud and sunrise, Dodd Island, BC.
The Passing Cloud and sunrise, Dodd Island, BC.

Day 3 of our photo tour began with a windy sunrise shoot. Captain Russ deposited us on a rocky island for our shoot and after the sun was up and the colors in the clouds faded we turned our attention to the amazing texture of the rocks brought into full glory by the early morning sidelight.

Bold angles and fine texture in a Wower island rock
Bold angles and fine texture in a Wower island rock
Cracks in the rocks create a 3 dimensional effect.
Cracks in the rocks create a 3 dimensional effect.
Early morning sun bathes the Passing Cloud and the rocky shoreline.
Early morning sun bathes the Passing Cloud and the rocky shoreline.

After breakfast we headed “around the outside” in the zodiac to capture some wild and wooly wave action.

Waves crash into exposed rocks on Wower Island.
Waves crash into exposed rocks on Wower Island.

Where there are waves, there are usually great tide pools, and the exposed beaches of Wouwer Island did not disappoint. We played with using a reflector to bounce extra light into the pools to highlight some of their denizens as well as comparing before/after shots using the reflector to tame some of the harsh noon time shadows on the rocks.

A reflector throws some extra light into this tide pool scene.
A reflector throws some extra light into this tide pool scene.
Sea star and tide pool.
Sea star and tide pool.
Tour participant Chris Botting holding a reflector and photographing in Wower island's rich tide pools.
Tour participant Chris Botting holding a reflector and photographing in Wower island’s rich tide pools.
Harsh shadows and washed out colours typical of midday light.
Harsh shadows and washed out colours typical of midday light.
A diffuser blocks the harsh shadows of midday.
A diffuser blocks the harsh shadows of midday.

A quick lunch followed and we were off again – first into deep water to look for whales. Although we didn’t spot any whales, we had some great swell action that the Passing Cloud took well in her stride. I jumped up on the forecastle to capture some of the spray as the boat lunged through the swell.

Hanging on by my toenails...
Hanging on by my toenails…
The Passing Cloud easily takes an open ocean swell in her stride.
The Passing Cloud easily takes an open ocean swell in her stride.

Once back in calm water we enjoyed a leisurely cruise through the islands to our night’s anchorage.

Chris takes advantage of a comfy seat on the main sail to get a few seascape shots.
Chris takes advantage of a comfy seat on the main sail to get a few seascape shots.
Pelagic Gooseneck barnacles coat a buoy "rescued" off the beach.
Pelagic Gooseneck barnacles coat a buoy “rescued” off the beach.
The Outer Shores schooner Passing Cloud in late afternoon light.
The Outer Shores schooner Passing Cloud in late afternoon light.

Our evening shoot was spent on the west side of Dodd Island looking back toward Uclulet. As the last light of the day faded, a sliver of a moon presided over a boat load of tired but happy photographers. A full day indeed!

A rocky shoreline.
A rocky shoreline.
Sunset over Pacific Rim National Park.
Sunset over Pacific Rim National Park.
The end of a busy day.
The end of a busy day.